Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wire Mesh Fencing - It's Not That Difficult!

They may not be as beautiful or idyllic as a nice picket fence, but wire mesh fences are considerably more functional and much harder to get over or around, making them ideal for closing off private areas in work environments, or even protecting your garden from wild animals.

The types of wire mesh you can use come in many different shapes and sizes, making them incredibly versatile and suitable for a wide range of uses. No matter which you happen to go for though, they are consistently strong and sturdy, not to mention incredibly durable; which further adds to their appeal.

Installing a wire mesh fence may seem like a bit of a drag, but the process is actually very simple, all you need is the right tools, the right material and the right attitude, and you can get it done in no time. The tools that these kinds of job calls for aren’t specialist in any way, and can be bought from the average hardware store, assuming you do not already have one lying around at home. The only exception to this is if you decide you want to use a heavy duty staple gun to fasten your mesh to their posts; but we shall come to that later, and you can always use standard ties or fixings if you want to.

Regarding the materials you will need to actually construct your fence, all you will need are:
  • Fence posts
  • Wire mesh
  • Ties, fixings or the aforementioned staple gun
The type of post that you choose to go with is entirely your call, but most often the choice comes down to choosing between the more slender metallic post, or the more robust wooden option. The wooden posts are admittedly more attractive to the eye, but they are also more difficult to fix into the ground than the metal ones, and you may need to use concrete to help hold them firmly in place.

The wire mesh you choose to go for is also completely up to you. There are many varieties, with all sorts of different spacings and patterns; all you need to do is find the one that you like and that will suit your purposes. There are multiple ways to get your hands on some wire mesh; however I would recommend buying it online, as there are companies who you can order from that will supply you with a cut-to-size wire mesh, which will meet your specific requirements.  

How To Install Your Fence
  1. To start with you are going to want to meticulously mark out where you want your fence to be and how often you are going to plant a post. Skipping this step and simply winging it will likely not turn out very well
  2. Insert the posts into the ground at the designated intervals. Ensuring that you have gotten each post down to a good depth will greatly improve its stability and make it considerably more firm.
  3. Taking your mesh, line it up with your posts and pull it as tight as you can, so it is dead flat against the posts.
  4. By now you will have hopefully chosen your preferred method of fixing the mesh to the posts. You will want to apply as many of these as you can, as the more there are holding the mesh onto the posts, the more secure it will be. At the very least you will want to have three per post; one at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom.

That is it. Told you it wouldn't take long to get your new fence safely and securely installed. All you will need to do now is periodically check up on the condition of your fence to make sure none of your fastenings have come loose or been removed. If this does happen then simply reapply or replace the fastening. Should it become a regular occurrence then you should think about applying more fastenings to the post, to help spread the load and make it more secure.

The First Post

Hi everyone, and welcome to my new blog. As the name suggests, I'm someone who does DIY, but not at all enthusiastically. So you might be asking yourself, why's he writing a blog about it?

Well the reason is this: I think there are so many people out there like me. I mean seriously, how many people actually enjoy DIY? I know there are some, and I salute you for that, but for many of us mere mortals the idea fills us with dread.

So I thought I would start a blog in the hope that some of those who dread DIY as much as me can see that they're not alone!